Is your company name available?
SAME DAY Company Formation | LOW PRICES and No Hidden Costs
This is a page for FAQ's relating to company formation and company registration.
Yes, a company name can be changed any time after the incorporation.
More InfoIn general, yes. However, there are some limitations on registering a new company. Whilst many company names are freely available, others are protected.
More InfoRegistering a company name at Companies House will prevent other businesses from registering the same name.
More InfoBeing a limited company has many benefits over other business formats.
More InfoYour company documents will be available as soon as your company is registered at Companies House. This is typically with just a few hours.
More InfoThousands of customers choose Simple Formations every year. We have been forming companies for many years offering market leading products and value for money.
More InfoAll UK registered companies are required to keep a set of company registers.
More InfoNo, our prices start from as little as £28.00 for online company formation orders. We do not hide any fees or charge any activation fees for your company.
More InfoLimited by Guarantee companies can omit ‘Limited’ from the company if they have a not for profit distribution clause.
More InfoYes we do, the fee for this starts from £28.00. We can advise on the best type of memorandum & Articles of Association for you to use.
More InfoAbsolutely not. When you form a company with SFS it will be a brand new company.
More InfoYou can form a new company using our website. Simply enter the name of the company you would like into the search box on our website.
More InfoFor our best value company formation packages you can place your order online where prices start from as little as £28.00.
More InfoPlease choose your preference. There is no legal difference.
More InfoIf your company name contains a sensitive word or expression you may need to add supporting data to the application.
More InfoAs a company formation agent we occasionally see mistakes in the information submitted to Companies House. Fortunately, most mistakes are easily remedied.
More InfoWhen forming a company you have to provide details of any people that have control over the company. In simple terms this includes shareholders with 25% of shares or more or anyone with significant influence or control over the company.
More InfoThe registered email address is used by Companies House to contact the company regarding a variety of matters including filing notifications or changes to regulations.
More InfoUnder the Companies Act 2006 this document is a simple statement. It confirms the intention of the subscribing members to form a company and to become members of the company.
More InfoIn simple terms only one. If your company was formed after 6 April 2008 or your articles of association are correct then you only need one company director.
More InfoCompanies are normally registered in approximately 3 to 8 working hours.
More InfoYes, if it is a company limited by shares. All companies limited by shares must have at least one share issued to one shareholder at the time of incorporation. There must be at least one person or legal entity that owns the company.
More InfoThere are various forms of business structure available in the UK. From being a simple sole trader to a Public Limited Company.
More InfoPlease note Companies House processing times are an estimate only and not guaranteed.
Simple Formations is a trading name of Small Firms Services Limited. We have been trading since 1998 and are one of the UK's longest standing Company Formation Agents
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