Annual Return Filing

What is the Confirmation Statement?

The confirmation statement depicts the current structure of a business on a given date


What does the Confirmation Statement Include?

The Confirmation Statement is a yearly statutory filing requirement for UK companies. It replaced the Annual Return in 2016 and collects important information about your company. Unless you have changed the filing date this must be filed within a two weeks of the anniversary of the incorporation date. The Confirmation Statement depicts the current structure of a business on a given date, displaying information of the current appointments, persons of significant control and details of the share capital. Failing to file can lead to a company being struck off the register so it is essential company directors are aware of this filing responsibility.

Company Name and Number

Registered Office

Company Officers

Persons of Significant Interest

Share Details

Nature of Business (SIC Code)


What do you need to know about the Confirmation Statement?

What is the made up to date?

The Confirmation Statement provides a snapshot of the current data on a given date. This is the 'made up to date'.

annual return

Can I change the filing date?

The Confirmation Statement date cannot be changed. However during the year you can submit a 'check and confirm' statement.

Annual Return

Do dormant companies need to file?

Yes, even dormant companies need to comply with statutory filing requirements. All companies must file a Confirmation Statement.

Annual Return

What happens if this is filed late?

Fortunately, Companies House do not issue a late filing penalty for Confirmation Statements. However, a company can be struck off the register for failure to file the document.

Do you need your authentication code?

If you intend to file the Confirmation Statement online then you will require your authentication code. The document can also be submitted by post without this code providing you are not registered for the PROOF scheme. There is an additional charge for postal applications.

What is the SIC code?

The SIC code is a standardised trade classification guide and provides a general idea on the nature of your business activity. You can select the code that closely resembles your business activity from a full list.

How can we help?

Simply provide your company number and your authentication code and we would be happy to help with filing your Confirmation Statement.

We will liaise with you to confirm any changes that have occurred within your company for the given period before preparing and submitting the document to Companies House on your behalf.

We will use the online web filing service to facilitate a same working day acceptance on your Confirmation Statement subject to Companies House.

Confirmation Statement Filing

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Interested in using our Confirmation Statement filing service? 

Get in touch with one of the team today. We will be happy to provide further information on how we can help you.

Contact us.  

Please note Companies House processing times are an estimate only and not guaranteed.

Simple Formations is a trading name of Small Firms Services Limited. We have been trading since 1998 and are one of the UK's longest standing Company Formation Agents

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Small Firms Services Ltd Union House 111 New Union Street Coventry, CV1 2NT