Certificate of Incumbency prepared by our company and supplied by first class post. The certificate is issued in just 1-2 working days.
A Certificate of Incumbency is a document issued by a private agency to confirm various details about a given company. Although similar to the Certificate of Good Standing, this document is not issued by Companies House.
In addition to confirming the company name and number, the certificate can also be used to provide evidence of the company's structure-
- Directors names
- Directors service addresses
- Secretary names
- Secretary service address
- Registered Office
- Shareholders names (this will be the shareholders as recorded on the last Annual Return or at time of incorporation - if shares have since changed hands you may wish to exclude this - If available from Companies House records)
- Issued share capital details (If available from Companies House records)
(The information that can be shown will differ for Limited Liability Partnerships or Limited by Guarantee Companies).
If the document is to be used overseas then this may also need to be legalised with the apostille. We can also provide this service if required. Please contact us for further guidance.