We are pleased to announce the launch of our new blog to coincide with the launch of our shiny new website. Bookmark this page now to be kept up to date with all our latest news. We are now using a totally up to date and responsive website design and totally rewritten our incorporation software.
If you have visited us before you will no doubt notice the website has had a bit of a makeover. When we say ‘makeover’ we have actually started from scratch and completely re-designed the entire website, all of its content and more importantly the incorporation process.
The front end of the website is now fully responsive which means you can view and use the website on any device of any size and it will change to make the features work on your device. No more reading tiny text on your mobile or trying to use menus or buttons that will not function on android devices, the site now works across all devices.
We have updated all of the front end content to give you the most relevant and current information and have changed the menu structure to allow us to greatly expand on the help and guidance we offer through the site.
The incorporation process has also had a complete overhaul and we believe we have now made it even simpler with a one click formation now available for the most common simple setup we often see clients using. We have also tried to make the site more intuitive so it can present you with previously entered data to save you time and reduce the requirement to re-enter details you have previously supplied.