Our system will check this for you and we can always offer advise if your preferred company name is too similar to one already registered.
The UK is one of the easiest locations to register a company. The incorporation costs are low and the information required when forming a company is easy to provide. Whether based in the UK or any other country the basic start up information is the same. This guide is provided to provide you with the simple facts about starting a UK company.
What information will I need?
UK Address
Most UK based company owners will have their own address. If you need a UK registered office we can provide this for you.
Company Director
A company director can be resident anywhere in the world but they must be at least 16 years old. You will need that persons full name, home address, date of birth and nationality.
Many companies have just one shareholder. This person can also be the company director. You may choose to appoint more shareholders and issue many shares, but most companies are formed with just one shareholder issued with just one single £1 share.

What documents do I need?
Forming a company requires several documents to be provided to Companies House. Our online formation registration system submits these to Companies House for you in electronic format so you do not need to worry about researching documents. Once the company is formed our system will then produce all of the legal documents that you require. You will receive -
Certificate of incorporation
Memorandum of Association
Articles of Association
Combined Company Register (Statutory Books)
First Minutes
Share Certificates
ALL of these documents are included in ALL of our packages so you can choose your package with confidence.
When do I pay?
The first point to highlight is that you pay nothing up front with our company registration service. If you are comparing formation websites you will find that many ask you for payment before you have even added your company details. This is not fair to you. We do not think anyone should pay for a service they have not tested. When forming a company using simple formations you can enter your company details, choose the package you want and only when happy to actually register the company do we request payment. The instant you pay we will submit your company to Companies House. No tricks, no misleading prices, just the simplest company formation software available.
How much does it cost?
The price we advertise is the price you pay. Our incorporation fees include the Companies House filing fee and VAT. There are no add-ons at the checkout. No scare tactics tricking you into purchasing more products. Full details are availbale here - Company Formation Packages